Thank you for visiting my personal art website. I’m excited to share not only my paintings with you but also my journey.
It’s been a very long journey!
I’ve been battling three rare diseases for almost 17 years. As many of my fellow princess warriors know we fight with all the valor, know-how and resources we have at our disposal. But we’re not guaranteed anything in this life and the truth is that although I’ve had some comebacks, I’ve been rapidly declining for months now…
I thank God for all of the angels that have been set in my path to help me throughout the past years and especially the last few months. There are no words to describe the incredible life that I have lived, the wonderful people I have met along the way, the people I have had the privilege to call my friends, mentors, family, boyfriends and loves, and the mountains of love and support, laughter and compassion I have received… and of course all of the various places that I’ve had the honor and opportunity to live in and travel to. I have been blessed beyond measure.
I have loved, lIved, laughed, danced and had a blast. And boy oh boy have I learned so much from all of you. 
I especially thank those whom have been unfaltering and unconditionally there for me day in and day out, through my entire journey. From my youngest days, through a wonderful career and trials and tribulations, and triumphs and successes - having a whole lot of fun along the way - they are my heroes. One of them, Kimberlee is here with me right now this week. 💕🦋Another one, Jennifer, left a few days ago. 
Although I’m now in acceptance that I’m soon coming to the end of my road, it’s been a tough realization and process to finally acknowledge that I’m not sure how long I have left or how much more my earthly body can hold on.
All of that said, and as you know I have had as of late full-time caregiving to help me remain comfortable and to help me with all of my needs and those of my fur babies. My wonderful friends and now hospice are helping me fulfill with my wish to stay as comfortable as I can at home with my beloved Sam and Bruno.  I cannot thank people enough for the continued support to help supplement the cost of my needed caregivers.  All of this is truly humbling. It also truly means everything to me. 💜🌸💕 
 I love you all and I wish you all health, prosperity, love, joy and all the happiness in the world.
Wherever you are, enjoy one thing today for yourselves for life is too precious not to… and smile knowing that you all contribute to making this woman’s life immensely better.
All of my love,
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You can also call or text Betsy directly at (858) 354-3918
We can't wait to hear from you!